
Mödernaked: "Be Mö Than Just Exist"


Qué tal, Silent Kids? Hoy os presento Mödernaked, una firma española dedicada a la venta de accesorios, desde anillos hasta gafas de sol, además de camisetas. Si me lo permitís, esta vez me ahorraré describir a la firma, pues ellos mismo han elaborado una  descripción que a la par de original no deja indiferente a nadie: 
"Mödernaked sounds swedish, but it´s a spanish brand 
Mödernaked is not a porn site 
Mödernaked is not H&M nor Zara 
Mödernaked does not have a marketing department (we won´t be surprised if you never heard of us!)
Mödernaked does not have a sales department 
Mödernaked thinks that people are wonderful (sometimes) 
Mödernaked is not commun 
Mödernaked listens to music all the time 
Mödernaked dances all the time too 
Mödernaked loves the little things in life 
Mödernaked does not take drugs to create her designs 
Mödernaked drinks 2 liters of H2O everyday 
Mödernaked can be addictive 
Mödernaked makes mistakes (big and small) 
Mödernaked never loses the chance to go on vacation 
Mödernaked loves happy endings"
Dicho esto no me queda más que dejaros unas fotos de su campaña, además de algunos de sus productos.

Espero que os guste.

Un saludo.


How are you, Silent Kids? Today I show you Mödernaked, a Spanish company specializing in the sale of accessories, from rings to sunglasses, plus shirts. If you allow me, this time I'll spare you describe the brand, because they themselves have developed a description of the original pair leave anyone indifferent:
Mödernaked sounds swedish, but it'sa spanish brand
Mödernaked is not a porn site
Mödernaked is not H & M nor Zara
Mödernaked does not have a marketing department (we will not be surprised if you never heard of us!)
Mödernaked does not have a sales department
Mödernaked thinks people are wonderful (sometimes)
Mödernaked is not commun
Mödernaked listens to music all the time
Mödernaked dances all the time too
Mödernaked loves the little things in life
Mödernaked does not take drugs to create her designs
Mödernaked 2 liters of H2O drinks everyday
Mödernaked can be addictive
Mödernaked makes mistakes (big and small)
Mödernaked never loses the chance to go on vacation
Mödernaked loves happy endings"

I have nothing else that post you some pictures of his campaign, and some of their products.

Hope you like it.
